Pirate Radio Spacer Size?

One of my four spacers had a closed end. I tried to drill it out and it went flying never to be found. I went on Amazon and saw nylon spacers at 2 and 3mm but no 2.5mm which I assume is what is needed(?) Please reply with the W x L to replace these spacers (I am not in the UK–so I am assuming I have to find replacements).**

In general I was pretty disappointed by the build quality. Nylon nuts won’t tighten–they slip as the get close to tight. Radio legs just flop around awfully lose. As I said my spacer was not manufactured correctly either.

Yeah, nylon hardware can be a pain. I don’t have a Radio but going by this picture:

It looks like the diameter of the spacer is not critical so 3mm should do fine.

EDIT: Ops, I misunderstood what you were looking for. Maybe this would work?

You could stack some of these to fit.


Umm the kit spacers are 2.5mm OD x approx 2-3mm. Not easily available across the pond.

I can give you a US-based supplier that ships worldwide.

The following link will let you e-mail Pimoroni directly. I’d also put a link to this thread in that e-mail. They may fix you up with what’s missing and or broken.