So… I have pieced together the Plasma2040 and a 32x8 WS2812B matrix.
I have created myself a basic font @ 6 led high, and varying widths…
It is all working and displaying fine. It uses digitalio, neopixel and adafruit frame buffer.
So now I wander into the stupid question territory!!
I am making a Robot Wars / Battlebots fight timer. It starts with quick intro text, fight sign, countdown clock, cease sign. All good. Currently I am using the onboard buttons to do start / reset / pause, etc.
I want to break out the buttons so they are quicker and easier to hit - I think using SWC and SWD. But stupid question, do I just connect this via a button to ground? And then pull it up in code? I assume this is the case, but having never done this before… I thought I would ask!
Second less stupid question. I want to either add a buzzer, or perhaps small non amplified speaker into the mix. I have seen a tutorial / article on this:
In this they assign GP15 to be PWM, and then send a frequency through it. Easy.
So would I be correct in using one of the A0,A1,A2 pins for this?
Also, any ideas, tips, thoughts that might make my process better - gratefully received.
Thanks, N
Small Note - Yes the Galactic Unicorn would have been better and easier for all this!!! Two things that factor. Cost - This way costs about £20 rather than the GU at £60… Secondly, I wanted the lower pixel number for the typical effect people use in pixel frames, etc.