Hello. I set up my pi3+ and I am able to read data from all of the sensors except for the PMS5003. Every time I try to run the ‘particulate.py’ I get the following error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “particulates.py”, line 24, in
readings = pms5003.read()
File “/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pms5003-0.0.5-py2.7.egg/pms5003/init.py”, line 127, in read
raise SerialTimeoutError(“PMS5003 Read Timeout: Failed to read start of frame byte”)
pms5003.SerialTimeoutError: PMS5003 Read Timeout: Failed to read start of frame byte
I am running the latest version of raspberrypi OS and all packages are up to date.
Thank you