Presto font for GBP (£) sign

Sorry if this has been answered elsewhere but searching for GBP or the £ character is doomed to failure.

I am using my lovely Presto to display my realtime energy statistics using the wonderful Octopus Home Mini and their graphQL API.

I started with the example. It’s basically working, but how to I display the £ sign? Just using vector.text(“£”) doesn’t display anything (and also doesn’t throw an error. However printing using display.text(“£”) does work.

I suppose the font file either doesn’t include the £ sign, or it is mapped somewhere else. Is there an easy way to print it? Or do I have to work out how to make a custom .af file with the £ sign included?

Many thanks!!

I believe the fonts generated in the .af format only offer a limited subset of characters. You should be able to generate these fonts according to your needs with the afinate command documented in the alright-fonts documentation (see the --characters option).

Thanks for your positive and helpful response.

I have managed to make a custom .af file using the instructions on The alright branch name is now feature/port-to-c17 rather than just port-to-c17. I downloaded the fonts from The resulting .af file is recognised by micropython in the Presto but unfortunately something is not right. The scaling is wrong (too big) and there are mistakes (eg the 9 is infilled and many characters including the £ sign have gaps. I’ll keep at it and let you know if I find out how to clean it up.

So I have got it working well enough for my needs.

The size issue is simple - I had not realised the significance of the second argument of vector.set_font(“”, 24). It is the font size.

I only needed a £ sign in addition to the characters in the included font file ( so I made a new font file from the google Roboto-Medium.ttf that includes the £ sign (u0163), then by switching to that font just before the vector.text(“£”,x,y) command and back again for the rest of the line, everything is OK. int(vector.measure_text(“£”)[2]) gives the width to add on to the x starting point for the following text.

I can live with the slightly misformed £ sign.

Hope this helps someone.