I bought a mega cheap m.2 4Tb nvme drive from eBay. Initially thought it was a scam but hey!, it was only £40… Anyway after a bit of fiddling around, I got it going by cloning my existing 500Gb drive and then converting to GPT. However there were loads of errors, mainly correctable, but aproximately every minute or so the system would freeze for around 10-15 seconds making it unusable. After much swearing and gnashing of teeth I came across another post about incompatible drives which suggested turning off ACPM by inserting ‘pcie_aspm=off’ before ‘rootwait’ in ‘/boot/firmware/cmdline.txt’. This seems to have done the trick and it is now performing very well. I don’t think I will commit to using it for important data but as a very inexpensive NAS or plex server it should do the business.
UPDATE: While I got this device going, there are serious intermittent errors which mean I cannot recommend it for anything other than experimentation.
I think you misunderstood my questions: fake SSDs will have e.g. 1TB instead of 2TB but return a size of 2TB. Only if you write to the whole disk you will find out if the size is fake or not. Tools like F3 help with testing, since they write random data and read it again and check if it is the data that was actually written.
Of course for a 2TB drive this really takes a long time.
sudo f3probe --destructive --time-ops /dev/sda
F3 probe 8.0
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WARNING: Probing normally takes from a few seconds to 15 minutes, but
it can take longer. Please be patient.
Good news: The device `/dev/sda’ is the real thing