I’ve followed the guide below to enable the USB Gadget in Ethernet emulation but when i connect this to my Windows 10 and Windows 7 PC’s it doesn’t get detected, i see some people have driver issues but i don’t even see and unrecognized hardware device in windows device manager.
any help would be appreciated, could this be a hardware fault?
It’s quite possible that whatever editor you used on Windows could have done horrible things to the cmdline.txt file ( config.txt is a bit more resilient ), might be worth double checking. Also, did you flash the SD card yourself, or use an out of the box NOOBS?
When I plug mine in (Windows 10) I see it in “Devices and Printers” under the heading “Unspecified”
Hi Thanks again, i used notepad++ in windows which should be fine and the Pi boots fine when i connect it via HDMI to a monitor so i think the config.txt is ok.
I’ve tried with Rasp via noobs and also Rasp direct on the SD card using win32imager
I have consulted with the oracle (@RogueM that is) and he suggested it could be USB3. I tried it in a USB3 port directly and while it showed up in my devices list, I couldn’t connect t it. Worth mentioning, anyway.
my suggestion would be to try through a USB2 hub, preferably externally powered, and see if that makes any difference… obviously not a very practical solution depending on your goal, but that may shed some lights on the cause of the issue.
Thanks for the suggestion i will try this tonight, although i have already tried connecting the PiZero to the main PSU and then connecting the USB OTG to the PC on a USB2.0 port so this should eliminate and lack of power issues.
I’ll do as suggested and report back and thanks you for all the support.
[EDIT] one thing i haven’t tried is a different SD Card as this one was supplied and appears to boot fine when i use a keyboard and monitor with the Pi so i will try a different one as well
It could well be the difference between Linux & windows newline characters.
I have had this before when using wordpad scripts and scratching my head why they don’t work.
Do the above as it will purely convert windows newlines to unix and even if there was none it still will do know harm, but we will know then that the newline compatibility problem isn’t an issue.
I am just trying it now and the adafruit instructions are more comprehensive.
What I would do is use noobs to set everything back to default and edit those files on the pi.
That is what I am doing now as apols about your woes but thanks for posting as being able to set it up as g_ether and not have to bother with a usb_ethernet is a great tool.
PS how old is the pi as have you done an rpi-update & the apt-get update - apt-get upgrade, to make sure everything is the latest?
I have tested with NOOBS and a RAW Install of Rasp, the Zero is only a few days old and the installation of the OS’s were from the website a few days ago and they were fully updated after install
At this point, I think you’ve got us all at a loss. We’re not going to geek our way out of this one :D
One last thing; have you managed to get any USB devices (mouse/keyboard) to work when connected to the Pi Zeros USB port and booted up connected to a screen? (I’m making the assumption that you have adaptors here, if not skip ahead).
If no, and all else fails, drop a line to support@pimoroni.com referencing this thread and they’ll sort you out.
That’s extremely odd. It would seem to suggest that there’s a fault on the sense/ID line, a dry joint or something, which I guess could happen! Can’t help but feel we’re missing something silly, but I suppose this stuff happens.
it is very strange the only time i ever see anything in Windows Device Manager is when i connect it via OTG and withoutn an SD card installed and it show as below
Then i can insert the SD card and use rpiboot.exe to enable mass storage, and i can then access the SD card.