I have a touchphat on a pi zero w, works great by itself. I had a camera compatible with the Pi Zero w connected, and raspistill worked fine until I put the hat on, now it can’t find the camera. I’ve visited raspi-config and tried all the combinations of GL and enabling legacy camera, etc … but no luck.
So I’m thinking there maybe an issue where they’re both trying to use I2C1. As the Touchphat is physically expecting the I2C1 pins, I think my solution is to change the raspistill to I2C0, though at the moment I don’t know how to do that
Before I try posting this to whatever forum rasipstill uses, I though I’d pose the question here to see if I’m chasing a red herring.
Also since I’m here, I had once run into a site where you could choose different hats to see if there are any GPIO pin conflicts. I wish I had bookmarked that. Does that ring a bell with anyone.
Thanks :)