I am trying to use the bme688 with the pi pico. The sensor is reading some of the data wrong therefore I want to calibrate some of the settings. I am refering to the funciton reference on github but the code does not seem to recognize the “bme.configure” line:
from breakout_bme68x import BreakoutBME68X
import breakout_bme68x
from pimoroni_i2c import PimoroniI2C
import time
PINS_PICO_TUFTY = {"sda": 4, "scl": 5}
i2c = PimoroniI2C(**PINS_PICO_TUFTY)
bme = BreakoutBME68X(i2c)
while True:
temperature, pressure, humidity, gas_resistance, status, gas_index, meas_index = bme.read()
print (temperature)
File "<stdin>", line 15, in <module>
AttributeError: 'BreakoutBME68X' object has no attribute 'configure'
reference: pimoroni-pico/micropython/examples/breakout_bme68x at main · pimoroni/pimoroni-pico · GitHub