Weather HAT External Temperature/Light Sensors?

Hi Pimoroni,

I am very close to purchasing your excellent Weather HAT kit, but if possible I’d like to see if anyone can recommend an outdoor/waterproof “temperature, pressure, humidity” and “light and proximity” sensors that are compatible with the Weather HAT please?


I don’t think your going to find much? My plan is to use a weatherproof enclosure. I’m going to cut an opening in the top and cover it with a piece of glass. Sealed with RTV sealant. The tricky part is finding glass that doesn’t block UV rays. I have the LTR-599 and VEML6075 breakouts mounted to a Perma Proto board. My BME688 is going to be mounted to the bottom of the enclosure, outside in an open ended plastic tube. The open end facing down. Air can get in but no direct contact with rain or snow.

I have the Sparkfun weatherbit kit and the rain and wind sensors are compatible with the Pimoroni Weather HAT + Weather Sensors Kit. Both kits are not waterproof but rain and wind sensors are. The BME280 on the Pimoroni Weather HAT is too close to the Raspberry Pi board so you get incorrect readings.

I am also looking into buying/setting up a Weather Hat at my house and had this same question.
For temp, can you use COM1709 as the external sensor?
For pressure and humidity, what about using a BME280 and a Stevenson screen?
Thinking out loud on this forum to get some input.

You can connect a second BME280 to the weather hat, you will need to cut the alternate address jumper on the back, and use the alternate address in your code. You can’t have two devices with the same address on i2c. Not and be able to tell one from the other.
You can use both and show indoor outdoor temps etc. Assuming the weather hat is indoors.

That is good to know, thank you. This is my first project using sensors, typically I have used my Pi’s for at home server applications and one instance of a mobile pentest platform running Kali. Really want to get into the sensors.

Just for the record I don’t own an Enviro, Enviro+, or Weather Hat. I just use that code on equivalent hardware setups.

I have multiple setups with breakout garden breakouts collecting and showing that info on the the small breakout garden LCD’s. Modified Enviro and Enviro+ code.
This started out that way on a Pi, current version is with a PICO. Still a work in progress.
My Enviro (code) based Weather Station Build - Discussion / Projects - Pimoroni Buccaneers

Another Enviro code based setup.
Three display weather graphing setup - Discussion / Projects - Pimoroni Buccaneers

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