Would the Wide Input Shim still work with raspberry pi 4 in view of its voltage and current requirements?
Planning a project with a 12v 3A power supply via wide shim to RP4… I bought the shim years ago before RP4 existed!
- 5V / up to 2A output << Is iffy IMHO for powering a Pi 4.
What is the Pi 4 doing, and what is connected to it?
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It’s an audio project with a pi 3 or 4 and a dac, but no video which I guess lowers current draw. I’ll try to test it with a current meter once I’ve built it to see if it exceeds 2A
No harm in trying, especially if you already have it on hand.
I am using a Pi4 for my Webradio: pi-webradio/integrated/README.md at main · bablokb/pi-webradio · GitHub
I really tried to drive the current consumption high with some VLC anmimation playing on the display, but it seldom went above 1.1A and topped out at about 1.5A.
If your DAC only does the conversion and does not have an integrated amp, you should be fine.
Appreciate the info cheers!
I’m going to try it from the wide input shim
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