Will Hyperpixel and new Audio DAC SHIM (Line-Out) work together?

Hoping someone could guide me here. I’m trying to figure out if the new Audio DAC SHIM (Line-Out) shim work with a Hyperpixel square screen.

The new Shim says it uses “ Audio DAC SHIM uses GPIO 18, 19, and 21 (as well as 5v and various Grounds)” and the Hyperpixel uses all of the Pi’s GPIO pins.

Would it still be possible to use these together?

Shim: Audio DAC SHIM (Line-Out) – Pimoroni
Hyperpixel: HyperPixel 4.0 Square - Hi-Res Display for Raspberry Pi – Pimoroni

Not going to work unfortunately. The Hyperpixel uses all of the GPIO pins and repurposes most of them.
Hyperpixel at Raspberry Pi GPIO Pinout
Hyperpixel4 at Raspberry Pi GPIO Pinout