WIP: Plasmaburn: Create plasma led patterns and animations from templates

Hey all,

I’ve been playing with my picade + plasma led buttons and have started a project to generate led animations.

Plasmaburn is a library at the moment that will generate the PNG files to be used by the plasmactl tool

I have put together a sample/demo pack:


Download the zip on your picade to install a selection of demo/sample images:

  wget https://plasmaburn.thef.uk/test-plasmaburn.zip ; 
  unzip test-plasmaburn.zip ;
  cd test-plasmaburn ;
  sudo bash install.sh

This will install the demo patterns using plasmactl
It should load the test-card image. Compare the less on your picade with the pattern on the test card

If that all looks good, try running the demo:

bash demo.sh

If the test-card doesn’t match, plasmaburn can be re-configured to match your button positions and orientation.

Some features so far:

  • Gamma correction for less (needs more work)
  • Button/led orientation configuration
  • Colour palette, RGB and HSV support
  • Transitions using “adjust” and envelopes
  • OpenSimplex noise to create random but looping patterns
  • Button and led geometry for patterns with precise angles (please could someone give me button measurements)

This is very much a work in progress, I’m moving it up to GitHub

Plasma’s pretty cool. I’ve played around with it on my Blinkt. It’s also supposed to run on the Unicorn Hat. Anything really that uses those addressable LED’s.
There are a fair bit of Picade users here on the forum. Judging by forum posts anyway.
I don’t own a Picade myself, not yet anyway, I’ll still say thanks for sharing. =)