10 inch screen issues

Have you tried connecting something else to the 10" screen - PC or laptop maybe?


I have just tried connecting to my laptop and I’m getting nothing either.

If that laptop is running Windows 10, press the Windows key and the P key, then select Duplicate or Extend. If you haven’t already.

I had the same problem and finally found the fix for me. Take the sd card and put it into a card reader. Bring it up on the PC. Edit this. Get rid of the # that is in front of hdmi_force… Scoot the whole line so the h in hdmi is directly under the hashtag just above it. See example below.

uncomment if hdmi display is not detected and composite is being output


Looks like the forum doesnt like hashtags as part of text. Just get rid of the hashtag that is in front of hdmi_force_hotplug=1 and move the whole line to the left. Just like the h in hdmi is directly under the L. Just pretend that the L is a hashtag
It should work. This took a long time for me to figure out.

Thanks for the tips. I did try that I think but I’ll double check.

Fingers crossed.

Yeah, in the config text file, any line with a # as the first character is ignored. Remove the # and that line is acted on.

is ignored
is acted apon on boot up.

I was getting some funky behavior with my Picade. With a separate power supply for the screen and the X-Hat things were fine. But when I tried to run the screen power from the X-hat the resolution was going haywire. The above changes to the config.txt sorted the behavior.
So I can now run the screen, pi and X-hat from just one power supply - the new USB-C 3.1A block.

With both devices powered from the one supply, timing wise, you could end up with a race condition.
If the display doesn’t initialize quick enough it may not get detected properly by the Pi.
Setting defaults in config.txt will likely solve that issue. If that is what is happening?