My SHIM is installed on a Pi Zero -WH. So this is the minimal setup. I installed Mopidy by the Pimoroni setup.
After some pain with Mopidy not locating my files correctly, I did eventually (using mpc) get it into the ‘playing’ state. But NO sound.
Quick finger test, on the board showed me that the board would play sound with a little downward flexing, and stop on release.
It looks like the 1st row (odd numbers) has a wider hole than the 2nd row on the SHIM, so I suspect that it is not making a reliable connection (somewhere).
I can solder (I hope, my iron isn’t designed for this scale), but is there any other way?
If not, what is the minimum set of pins to solder, (including Vcc and Gnc)?
It uses the same pins for audio as the Pirate Audio. Basically the i2s pins
GPIO 18 is used by PCM to provide a clock signal to an external audio device such as a DAC chip.
GPIO 19 is used by PCM to provide a frame-sync signal to an external audio device such as a DAC chip.
GPIO 21 is used by PCM to provide a data output signal to an external audio device such as a DAC chip.
And probably +5V maybe 3.3V and at least one ground.
Do you have a spare female gpio header kicking around? If yes press that down on top of it to hold it firmly in place, and see if that helps.
I had originally been using it with a Waveshare 2.7" e-paper hat. That should have achieved the same.
But small steps is better, I know that it CAN work, I’ll try a simple header on top to see if the extra pressure helps.