AutomationHAT Support


Kindly assist on the below,

  1. Based on the pinout documentation, there are two i2c,
    0x48: ADS1015
    0x54: SN3218
    but when I execute [sudo i2cdetect -y 1], I only see 0x48, how about 0x54?

  2. How can I access the input and output LEDs without using the build-in libraries?

Thank you in advance!


The SN3228 is a write-only device, and i2c-detect normally uses a read to determine if a device is present - which fails. It’s there, though! Try the ‘q’ argument instead.

You can use the sn3218 Python library to control it, or skim through the data sheet and use any language you desire. It’s a super simple chip so probably a good place to get started for that sort of tinkering!