I would like to try the blinkt with the ASUS Tinker Board, is there any plan to port the blinkt library to operate in this system? Or, any hint on how can I try to do it?
I modified the blinkt.py to use the ASUS Python GPIO and the correspondent DAT, CLK pins, but it does not work. The Tinker Board has the same pin layout as the RPi3.
Thanks in advance,
We’ve got no plans for an official port, since we don’t have the manpower to support it, honestly I’ve no idea why this stuff doesn’t “just work” on the ASUS Tinker Board anyway. I can’t imagine it being difficult to write a version of RPi.GPIO that just maps everything correctly.
That their Python GPIO API is available as a zip file on their website doesn’t instil confidence in me, though. But I wouldn’t be surprised if someone was working on an RPi.GPIO port or compatibility library.
This said, your modifications to blinkt.py should work- it’s not complex! Are you sure you picked the right pins, or that they’re not stuck in another operating mode?
Thank you for the answer and sorry for taking a long time to reply. I am guessing the pins were set correctly with the correspondent SPI MOSI and SPI CLK of the tinker board, which leaves as the main suspect the ASUS GPIO library.
In this link are the libraries to make Blinkt work on the ASUS Tinkerboard:
Nice work, is the library available in GitHub, or a similar source control platform?
I don’t know; I just received this update from the ASUS development team (they updated the library). So far, I tested on their official TinkerOS releases, but I didn’t test on other operating systems or did any other specific test. I hope it could be integrated into the next official release.