Is it possible to use the Blinkt! with Arduino?
I have some Arduino Nanos and a Digispark attiny85 laying around that I could utilize for this.
Should work with Adafruit’s DotStar library, too:
Although you may have to roll your own code- depending on how compatible that is with ATTiny parts.
Oh and see here for the pinout:
Thanks! I didn’t get to try it out yet, but it seems that the code includes conditional parts for the Attiny85, so I guess it should work.
(A bigger challenge right now seems to be to get the Digispark recognized in my OS at all.)
Thanks! It works nicely with an Arduino Nano
I didn’t try with the Digispark Attiny85, since I didn’t yet solder on the pin headers. But anyways, the Arduino Nano will be probably better for being able to command the LEDs through USB with serial. The Digispark is weird in this regard. (It takes much of the resources of the CPU to use its USB for communication.)
Nice work!
Yeah the attiny85 doesn’t have any native USB hardware- that it can even communicate over USB at all is pretty incredible.
Hi, I’m looking to do the same… Did you use the DotStar library for your implementation? I’ve had a look at the code, made any pin adjustments and adjusted NUMPIXELS to 8 in their example code, but I’m not getting anything out of the Blinkt?
This is the code that I used:
Hi, thanks for getting back to me. Your code is very similar to what I was running.
I’ve flashed your code onto my Arduino Uno and wired it up, and I’m still getting nothing. I’ve included a photograph, I’d be grateful if you could point to where I may have gone wrong.
In case it is hard to see fromt he photo, I’ve got 5V Vcc in ‘Pin1’, GND connected to ‘Pin3’, data in ‘Pin 8’ and clock in ‘Pin 9’ as you look at the board there from left to right.
I can’t really see any obvious problem there.
Try maybe the hardware SPI pins, as it is written about in the strandtest.ino example?
Hi there,
i got the same Problem as ptpete describe.
Just found my mistake and want to solve the problem for others who are searching this ;)
You have to use the second Pin for 5V Power supply!
The first Pin isn’t connected to 5V from the LEDs.
Best regards icho
Some vague inkling in my memory suggests this was a deliberate change to prevent 5v shorting across the ground plane when the Blinkt! is accidentally installed upside-down! D’oh. I really should update to document this.