Can't get Hyper Pixel4 2.1" display to work

First off congrats to all you guys that got the 2.1" display to work. I’m at the stage where I wish I never purchased this.

I have a rPi Zero 2W on the back of the display with 32G SD card.
First off I tried with Buster OS. Only as it seemed to have the best instructions. I could never get the demo’s to run correctly. The flickered, crashed, and also did not take up the whole screen and was off centre. Using my own python script and issuing a circle command in the centre of the display that should draw a circle of diameter 240 pixels, had the 4 corners cropped off. None of the demo’s ran. I have a full log of what I had to do to get this far.
I then saw it said the drivers were “baked in” on later version Buster. So I downloaded the latest version of Buster OS and Rufus put it on the SD. I decided I didn’t want all the desktop stuff so its a lite install.
Entered raspi-config, turned on SSH, i2c and connected Wifi. Use ifconfig to get the IP and used Putty to remote in. Updated apt-get, install i2ctools.
Proceeded to /boot and made a back of the config.txt file to config-hdmi.txt so I can come back to using a monitor.
With Lite OS I had to install git, python3-pip. I then
git clone GitHub - pimoroni/hyperpixel2r
cd hyperpixel2r
sudo ./
After a reboot, the display is running and showing text based OS. Using Putty again I made the extra mods to the config.txt and added.

Force 640x480 video for Pygame / HyperPixel2r


I then
git clone GitHub - pimoroni/hyperpixel2r-python
cd hyperpixel2r-python/
sudo ./

Saved this and made a copy to config-hyper.txt so I can swap back and forth if needed.
Checked that python --version gave me a 3 or better.
issued pip3 install pygame --upgrade and it install 2.5.2

At this point I think I have done everything, or maybe too much. I then tried the example, using python without the /dev etc and it ran. However, it shows 2 clocks, but at least they are running smooth, and not crashing. also errors, but does some flashy stuff. does no show all the colours. has 2 circles at the top of the screen.

So I got this display as I assumed that it looked like it would get up and running no problems and the rPi zero is a great platform. But alas that is not the case and I congratulate those that did get them running.

I will see if I find my mods to the examples. I also remember that I had the two clocks, but only if I started in GUI-mode. Starting in framebuffer-mode (i.e. from the console) worked as far as I remember. One trick was to lower the refresh-rates in the examples (for the clock once per second is enough anyhow) and also to change the resolution.

Maybe you can find something on this forum, I definitely posted something a while ago, but the search function is not very good.

Much appreciated. I wish there was a clear install procedure for a particular OS version. I’ve had a pretty good look on the forum, and most posts are old now and the OS has moved on. I’ve played with the demo code a bit, but not much luck with getting them right. Using the pygame init code from the examples is worse than my own initialization.