You’ll note that the directions mention two dots “..” as indicating the parent directory. I don’t know about that, but it does explain what happened to you: if you followed that the parent directory would be your home directory, which does not contain the CMakeLists.txt file (as suggested by your error message).
I decided to try building it myself and it’s clear that if you’re running make from the directory containing the files, one dot should be used, so that it’s operating in the same directory as that file is located.
You’ll also need to (in addition to the command line arguments) specify a display controller for the build, in this case it’s an “ST7789” compatible, as well as specifying the pin used for the data control line, pin 25 (which you can see as dtparam=dc-gpio=25
in /boot/config.txt). So the full set of commands that works to perform the build is as follows (noting single dot: “cmake .”):
sudo apt install cmake
git clone
cd fbcp-ili9341
mkdir build
make -j
sudo ./fbcp-ili9341
That last line executes the file ‘fbcp-ili9341’ that was just built. If you see that file you were successful in building. I don’t pretend to be an expert in this but this was how I successfully built the executable.
Ok wow thanks a lot I’ll try it :)
it didn’t work. it said i should have hdmi force hotplug on BUT I DO. i have no idea what to do at this point i swear to god bro
Sorry, I don’t know either. I found this, if it might be helpful: raspbian - How do you make the HDMI hot-pluggable on a Pi? - Raspberry Pi Stack Exchange
I’d make sure there aren’t multiple lines in /boot/config.txt declaring different things. I’d then try it setting to 1, then set to 0, then commenting it out again. You probably don’t need HDMI on that Pi I’m guessing (i.e., connecting it to a monitor), so I’m not sure what that’s about. I don’t have any other specific suggestions.
I realise you’re new at this, but from someone who’s been programming since the late 1970s, you have a choice: give up or continue researching online and trying various things. The latter is what I’ve always done. I don’t give up. I might get frustrated and walk away to clear my brain, but I keep going.
This kind of thing can be hard work, and I know you have a deadline. But on the other hand, this is absolutely normal (in my experience as a professional software developer), and it’s how you learn. You just keep pushing, never give up. As an example, I’ve spent the last three or four days trying to get a UART to send sensor data from an ESP32 to a Raspberry Pi, and late last night I finally got it going. It took many hours but now it works. Good luck!
Thank you very much for your help. I will keep trying but I think I might just get a small display that was tested and I know will absolutely work with the fbcp-ili9341 driver