Received this morning, and plugged into my PI3, finished the injstallation and it ‘sort’ of works but not as expected. It is acting as if the pins are mis-aligned…
Starting up the backlight only lights the left 3 leds (ass image below). The other backlight leds are only activated as part of the and I can’t display any text.
I have double checked that the Hat is fitted across the pins correctly. Is there anything I can check in software or is it a wiring fault on the Hat?
Which examples are you trying? There are a whole bunch of Display-o-Tron 3000 examples which will not properly work with Display-o-Tron HAT. Judging by your reports, I’d guess you’re running those instead of the HAT ones.
In python:
from dot3k import backlight
only lights up the left 3 leds.
from dot3k import lcd
lcd.write(“Hello World”)
does nothing visible.
sudo ./ in the examples/basic directory works using the left 3 leds only
sudo ./ turns on the right 3 backlight leds in turn rather than the side leds.
Ok, hadn’t realised there was a dothat directory as well… must read directory listings better. Using examples from that directory works fine. Thanks.