The documentation shows that the BME280 can be off (higher) by up to 10C. I have the opposite problem where the temperature is lower by 18C. Is there any way to correct this or is it defective?
Barometric pressure seems to be off by 50hpa since the pressure sensor seems to assume pressure is at sea level instead of my 680m ASL.
Is this using the direct sensor reading, or the version that tries to compensate for the heating effect of the RPI?
The pressure sensor doesn’t assume anything, it measures the actual air pressure, so if you know the value at sea level it should work like an altimeter.
If the temperature is wrong the humidity will be incorrect as it is relative to temperature.
Hmm, it doesn’t make sense that compensated temperature would be higher when the sensor is cooler than the RPI. If the RPI wasn’t there and it was in a cold room surely it would be colder without the RPI warming it.
I don’t know how you can get bad readings because it is a digital interface and the chip has built in voltage regulation but something is wrong as it should be a lot more accurate. If it is on top of the RPI it should read higher than room temperature not lower.