Errors in start instructions

I am trying to install my flotilla followinf the instructions at

The python repository,, does not exist or is private.

The cd command for Flotilla Rockpool should be “cd flotilla-offline” not “cd flotilla”.

Yep, I see the same. I guess they’re not quite ready yet.

BTW, my starter kit only included the electronics. No ‘Getting started guide’ or ‘Cookbook recipe cards’. How about you?

The same. Just a sheet of paper with Get Started, Feedback, and Support sections.

I am trying to make sense of the Rockpool interface, but can’t find any way to connect my touch sensor and rainbow stick modules. They don’t seem to be on the interface anywhere.

Rockpool currently works on Raspbian Jessie, but not Wheezy.

The python repository is there now and working.

Hi lawrie, did you manage to get your Touch Sensor and Rainbow Stick connected? I’m currently looking into Flotilla server on Wheezy, but I was planning to do a simple tutorial for getting started in Rockpool since we’ve currently got basically no documentation.

I was hoping to walk though:

  1. Connecting a touch button to a colour channel on Rainbow
  2. Making the button toggle the colour channel on/off
  3. Adding a “Smooth” to make it fade the colour in/out

And then building on those basic principles.

Yeah, I could only get Rockpool working on Jessie too. I have both the touch sensor and rainbow stick connected and working now. Add inputs on the left of the page and outputs on the right seems to be the only rule you need to know. Below is an email I received from the Flotilla folks.


I’ve just published the Python API, so you should be able to grab it and take a look.

It’s still in flux - after the 5th or so complete rewrite- so it needs documentation and lots of feedback. The latter is very much welcome and appreciated!

I don’t know about the guide or recipe cards- I’ll see if I can nudge someone who does!

Yes, they work fine now that I am using Raspbian Jessie. I have tried things similar to your proposed walk through. I just tried smooth, and it worked although the LEDs more noticeably fade out than in,

That would be me. Incidentally here are some summaries of a few of the 5 APIs:

  1. Original Python API which directly talked i2c from the Pi to modules
  2. First generation Serial API which worked with the oldschool Flotilla dock
  3. First generation WebSockets API which talked through Flotilla Daemon ( felt too sluggish! )

And now with GPIO Zero making waves with its super simple and elegant API, I’m looking on in envy and thinking: “That would be nice in Flotilla…”

The way Flotilla works actually makes it quite quick and simple to bash out an API so I’m really interested to hear what matters to you most when putting together a Python-based Flotilla project.

The websockets real-time display of what is happening is very impressive.

I had not seen GPIO Zero before - it looks nice and simple. Yes, an API in that style would be good.