I’ve mounted my fanshim and it’s lovely when sitting flat on the Pi sitting flat on a table.
However, if I rotate the Pi quite a strong noise comes from the pan when it reaches past 90 degrees, and sitting on the back of the Pibox Screen frame it’s making quite a bad noise.
Should these fans work silently when running “upside down”?
I think I have heard one or two similar complaints. If you have a spare female header kicking around, try plugging that in on top of it. It may hold it down firmly and stop the buzz.
I have one on the Pi 4 in my SmartiPi case tilted vertical and it’s quiet. I have another one that buzzed no matter what way it was. Both are soldered to female headers.
There is a replacement for the noisy one on the way. It will be a few days before I get to play with it though.
It’s most likely the motor bearings. Fans like these prefer to run horizontally with the blades on top (label down). So any looseness will show up in another orientation. I bought some cheap 1" fans ($2.50 each) and one of them buzzes if I run it vertically but runs fine horizontally.