Adafruit boards are usually very well built and reliable, but they have fitted the wrong type of STEMMA/QT socket. Impossible to plug in the cable. I’m unable to connect the AHT20 bought at the same time.
Hope this was a small batch if they are all like this!
If you have one, check before you solder on the legs.
I’d say the wrong reel go put on the pick and place machine by accident. And if you got one, nobody noticed? I wonder how many sockets are on one reel? Hundreds?
I agree, a simple mistake but potentially rather expensive. These boards are not cheap!
Otherwise, a great little board with a very clear screen which I’m programming with CircuitPython. Not so sure I love displayio - rather too much going on in many layers.
I’ve been trying to avoid using Circuit Python. Not because there is anything wrong with it. It’s just that I’m just coming to grips with Micro Python, and it works with 99% of my hardware.
Hi, I have just received my ESP32-S3.
I use it through Thonny and is pretty easy.
ADC and WIFI work quite well.
I am looking for Python examples to use the TFT display st7789.
I didn’t succeed to find anthing working on my device.
The esp32-S3 sounds quite fast so I want to check some analog measurements and display on the beautiful TFT screen…
PS : as I checked your code, Thonny asked me about “adafruit_ahtx0” library…
Really easy if you have a built-in screen a bit harder if you have to set it all up yourself.
I’m not a great fan of displayio - a bit too complicated for a novice user and too games oriented with so many layers to think about. I hope you find my procedures useful.
Great little board. The graphics appear to be much faster than my CLUE (240x240). I just hope Adafruit can get the WiFi and BLE working properly soon with CP8. I’ve been using a Pi Pico W (Pi Cow) for my WiFi projects with Waveshare displays.