Having an issue with Raspberry Pi 4, acting as a router

Hello everyone,

I hope everyone’s fine. I am new to this forum, actually I came to this forum while searching for my issue. That’s the thread I am talking about: https://archlinuxarm.org/forum/viewtopi … 15&t=16910 but there’s no solution.

I am working on a Raspberry Pi 4, I am using this model: https://www.theengineeringprojects.com/ … sheet.html and I am trying to make it work as a router.

I have connected it via Ethernet to my main internet provider and am now making it act as a DNS server. Now when I try to port forward the DNS request to my original internet provider, I receive error during prerouting. I get this error:

$this->bbcode_second_pass_code(‘’, ‘tables: No chain/target/match by that name.’)

Although the first request works fine, the below one:
$this->bbcode_second_pass_code(‘’, ‘sudo iptables -A fw-open -p udp -d --dport 53 -j ACCEPT’)

Please help me out here.


I would suggest that you ask your question somewhere at StackExchange. Chances are much higher that you find qualified readers there. This does not rule out that readers of this forum have a good knowledge of networking and firewalling, but these are not core topics here.

Using the desktop on the rpiOS bookworm you can make a hotspot & share internet right from you panels network options. Then I use nmap commands at the prompt to scan for what devices connect & ip, since its not something available via gui. I use this method for my motion eye network. I dont share my internet to them unless i want to upgrade. In which case i add a wifi dongle and connect that way (altho one could use eth0)