Help please..

Hi. Turns round is to difficult to program it. Therefore I’d like to ask if any one could help me with this please?!

# Loop through keys and attach decorators.

for key in keys:
# If pressed, send a MIDI note on command and light key.
def press_handler(key):
note = start_note + key.number
midi.send(NoteOn(note, velocity))

# If released, send a MIDI note off command and turn off LED.
def release_handler(key):
    note = start_note + key.number
    key.set_led(0, 0, 0)
    midi.send(NoteOff(note, 0))
while True:
# Always remember to call keybow.update()!

Change that to push button send midi note, light on - press another button send midi note, light on + disable other LEDs and so on

please help

Just in case, I am showing below my entire code so far + comment notes:

from pmk import PMK
from pmk.platform.rgbkeypadbase import RGBKeypadBase as Hardware  

import usb_midi
import adafruit_midi
from adafruit_midi.program_change import ProgramChange
from adafruit_midi.control_change import ControlChange

keybow = PMK(Hardware())
keys = keybow.keys

midi = adafruit_midi.MIDI(midi_out=usb_midi.ports[1], out_channel=0)

rgb = (204, 255, 255)

program_change = 0

control_change = 0
# !Not sure what value shoud be here!

for key in keys:
    def press_handler(key):
        program = program_change + key.number
#         9 keys to be PC, one active at the time, All LED + active diffrent
#        CC  CC  CC  CC 
#        PC  PC  PC  CC
#        PC  PC  PC  CC
#        PC  PC  PC  CC
while True:

for key in keys:
    def press_handler(key):
        control = control_change + key.number
#       7 keys to be CC, multiple active at the time, ALL LED + active diffrent
while True: