How to power the Ubercorn and a PiZero

How do you power the Ubercorn to the two screw terminals?
Do you cut a spare usb cable and connect GND and V in?
And then, from there how to power the Raspi?

From the product site:

If you connect a power supply to the two screw terminals, then it’ll back-power your Pi too. With a single Ubercorn and good-quality 2.5A power supply, you can connect the power supply to your Pi and it’ll provide sufficient power for Ubercorn also.

But that’s not very clear (for me).
Does someone have an image to share how s/he connected this together?

In your case- just plug the power right into the Pi Zero’s USB connector. It’ll provide enough current to Ubercorn through the Pi’s GPIO header to drive a single panel.

Yes you can splice a power supply onto the screw terminals and it will power your Pi through the same header, but that’s only necessary as you start to add additional panels.