HyperPixel 4 brightness (pin 19?) not working

So I’m trying to change the brightness on the HyperPixel 4 (touch and non-touch). I could only find this solution online, and it does not work:

wiringpi is installed. “gpio” is an accepted command, these don’t return an error, but they do nothing to the brightness

# Set the pin to PWM mode
gpio -g mode 19 pwm 
# Set the value/brightness to 60
gpio -g pwm 19 60

I even tried 0, 20, 90, 1023 as brightness values.

As well I did reboot to see if that was necessary. Still nothing

I’m on a Raspberry Pi 4B

Is the 19 supposed to be the BCM number, physical pin number, or the Wiring Pi number? It makes a difference.

Hey there. So I’m using “19” in the gpio command because that’s what the GitHub example said.

I did look up the wiring and it seems correct?

Although that site does say “Wiring Pi pin 24” ??

GPIO 19 (PCM Frame Sync)
Alt0	Alt1	Alt2	Alt3	Alt4	Alt5
Physical/Board pin 35
GPIO/BCM pin 19
Wiring Pi pin 24
GPIO 19 is used by PCM to provide a frame-sync signal to an external audio device such as a DAC chip.

Wiring Pi has a weird pin layout, which is why I asked. Plus there can be confusion between the BCM number and physical pin number.

I use Rpi.GPIO and specify BCM
It goes something like this

import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
GPIO.setup(24, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down = GPIO.PUD_UP)
GPIO.add_event_detect(24, GPIO.FALLING, callback = Shutdown, bouncetime = 2000)

I haven’t tried to do PWM with it though, not yet anyway.

Ok, I’m curious if you have a starter script specifically for setting the brightness of the HyperPixel?

Ok, I’m curious if you have a starter script specifically for setting the brightness of the HyperPixel?

No, I don’t sorry. I don’t own a Hyperpixel. And I haven’t done much if any PWM stuff.
Have a look see at this though if you want to try RPi.GPIO. I use it because its there by default, and I didn’t find it difficult to setup for what I wanted to do with it.

raspberry-gpio-python / Wiki / PWM (sourceforge.net)