Hyperpixel 4 Square and Pi Zero 2 Issue

Hello potential savior,

I am having an issue with getting a Hyperpixel 4 square-touch and a PI Zero 2 to work together. I Etched a fresh image of Raspberry Pi OS(previously Raspbian) and followed the instructions on the Pimoroni installation tutorial.

Note: The only part that i can not follow is the using the exact OS that they link to. My Pi zero 2 won’t boot using it for some reason.

When I reboot the pi and i can see a splash screen for about half a second before it goes blank with the backlight on. I can ssh into the pi so I know it’s working. If I turn off the splash screen, on startup I can see the classic 4 raspberries and Linux terminal info going by for the whole startup process until it gets to the part when it should go to the desktop(blank screen instead).

Pi works, screen works, displays images at the very start without changing any settings from the Get.pimoroni.com bash file. It won’t just work all the way for some reason. Help, please? Any would be great. Thank you in advance.

Are you running Bullseye or Buster?
If Bullseye, try Buster. I’m pretty sure Buster will run on a Zero 2 W. The Zero 2 W was released before Bullseye was officially released.
Anything earlier than Buster won’t run on a Zero 2 W for sure.
That guide is a little old, and likely needs some links updated.

There are issues with Bullseye & Hypers, which are being bravely battled with as we speak - Display blank on Raspberry Pi OS Bullseye · Issue #155 · pimoroni/hyperpixel4 · GitHub

Thank you both very much! When I get off work, I’ll see if I can get buster running and post the results. Hopefully the Pi OS team can get bullseye updated with better DPI support soon.

Btw, I was running Bullseye

I had an issue running Bullseye on a Pi 3B+ and the official 7 inch touch screen. I get as far as the Pi Splash screen then just get a blank screen. Going back to Buster got it back to usable again.
No issues that I am aware of with Bullseye on my Pi 400, or a Pi Zero 2 W using an HDMI connected monitor though.

So, I have finally got back into it and here’s the findings:

I can’t get a stable version of buster running on the pi zero 2. Maybe it just won’t or(more likely) I’m just bad. Won’t even post on the power LED no matter what version of buster I got my hands on.

Note: I have been doing all of this over ssh as I do not have a micro hdmi adapter

The good news:

The link that ahnlak posted above was a treasure trove of help. One user on that forum in particular, Gadgetoid. This golden child is currently writing a driver to get things working correctly for the hyperpixel on bullseye, sans a bunch of tweaking.

His quick fix just to get rolling:

Commenting out “dtoverlay=vc4-kms-v3d” in config.txt will get the hyperpixel 4 square to work on bullseye with some loss of functionality. I encourage anyone with this same or similar issue to follow the link ahnlak posted. I will be popping in often to see what he comes up with.

Again thank you guys very very much for your help!

@gadgetoid is Phil Howard. He is as far as I know one of Pimoroni’s software gurus. And at the moment, a very very busy man.
A lot changed from Buster to Bullseye, especially graphics wise on a Pi.

@Gadgetoid is always a very very busy man.

We really need to clone him.

Seriously. I wish there were more inside people like him everywhere.