I am a Newbie to this wonderful world of tech and would very much appreciate it if any of the talented creators on this forum can provide a bit of advice please?
I am having difficulty connecting a Hyperpixel 4 to a Raspberry Pi 5. I would like to use it for an art project, to show a continuous MPEG-4 video loop.
I have flushed a microSD card with Raspberry Pi 5’s latest OS (Bookworm) 64-BIT, but the instructions to connect the Hyperpixel 4 to the Raspberry PI 5 on Pimoroni’s website, seem to be outdated.
I don’t know what code should be entered in the config.txt folder on the microSD card either. Here is the config.txt as it is at present:
And I also don’t know what I should type in Terminal to activate the Hyperpixel 4 and which display settings on the Pi 5’s preferences panel should be switched off so that it doesn’t interfere with the Hyperpixel 4?
If there is someone that can provide some step-by-step instructions to make this work, or have an easier way to connect a Hyperpixel 4 to a Raspberry Pi 5, I would very much appreciate it.
It is my first time that I’m trying this, so forgive my ignorance.
You want everything off, as far as interfaces go, i2c, SPI, etc. They should all be off by default.
It’s unclear to me what you want to do in terminal? Are you connected via SSH, or working directly from the Hyperpixel Screen?
I swopped the Pi 5 for a Pi 4 (Model B/8 GB) and uploaded Raspberry Pi OS (Legacy 64-bit) Debian Bullseye through Pi Imager on a 32GB micro SD card via my MacBook.
I added the following script to the config.txt folder on the 32GB Micro SD card:
(I have a Hyperpixel4 Touch Screen.)
After that, I connected and HDMI to an external monitor and to the Pi 4, including a Pi mouse and keyboard with the 32 GB micro SD inserted in the Pi 4.
I checked that the i2c, SPI and other interfaces were switched off.
I typed the following script into the Terminal window of Pi OS (via the HDMI monitor and Pi keyboard and mouse) to download the Hyperpixel4 software:
I received a message that the install process has changed and that Pi 4 users should consult the following page:
On that page, instructions were provided to disable the hyperpixel-4 init system service. I am sorry but I don’t know how to do this? If you could advise, I’d appreciate it.
Instructions were also given to change the screen rotation settings. I prefer the default option, so I ignored this.
The script in the Pi OS Terminal window gave me only one option to continue with the installation process, which was:
‘If you’re sure you want to install the legacy drivers, use:’
The page you linked to explicitly says that, from Bullseye, no drivers are required because it’s built into the kernel - and that all you need is the dtoverlay line.
Continuing on to force the installation of the legacy drivers is unlikely to have positive results.
I would suggest starting again with a clean install of Bullseye, and just add the dtoverlay entry to your config.txt - that way you will be in a known state, and if you continue to have problems we might be able to come up with other suggestions.
(to head off the standard questions… what PSU are you using?)
Thank you for the reply. I agree that the installation of the legacy drivers won’t have positive results.
To make sure that I follow the installation procedure correctly, please can you tell me what I should do once I’ve done a clean install of Bullseye and added the dtoverlay entry to the config.txt?
Lastly, If I understand your question about the Power Supply Unit that I am using correctly, the Pi 4/Hyperpixel4 combination is powered by a Raspberry Pi USB-C Power Supply.
AIUI, clean install, edit config.txt and reboot should Just Work™ - if nothing else, it gives Hyperpixel experts a known “good state” to start diagnosing your problems…
Other common thing to check is that the Hyperpixel is fully installed onto the Pi header.
Hello, looking at the answsers, I don’t see anyone about the compatibility of the Hyper Pixel 4.0 and the Raspberry Pi 5. There is no Branch in GitHub for the PI 5 and information abouting using it with the Bookworm OS. All branches and documents refer to previous models and systems. Anyway, I just bought an Hyperpixel Touch rectangular. I will test it on my PI 5 with NVME Base using a Samnsung 980 Pro 1 TO. I’ll give my feedback. As a remark the NVME base works just perfectly.
Your feedback would be much appreciated, @Pilou75.
I have resorted back to a Raspberry Pi 4/ Hyperpixel 4 which is working, but couldn’t find information regarding compatibility with the Pi 5.
FWIW I have definitely seen reports of Hyperpixels working with the Pi5 - although sadly not going into any details about what hoops they had to jump through.
I’ve seen enough people with problems to suggest it’s not always plain sailing, however. I think the successful users have been using a Lite OS instead of the full one, but I’m not sure how much difference that makes (not personally owning either a Hyperpixel OR a Pi5…!)
Hello, it took me some time to give my Feedback, I was on another Pi5 project. A Picade console with Pi 5 and player X running on a Bookworm OS Lite Attract Mode plus wth Mame. It works perfectly and very smoothly. Performance are great.
So for now, I just installed my NVME base with a Samnsung 980 Pro 1To. It worked fine. so I continue and installed the HyperPixel rectangulat on top of it. I folllow the procedure explaine in GitHub for hyperpixel4 and also applied the additional configuration as explained in the issue 177.
It works directly after reboot including the touch.
I made a small picture.
So I confirm, the Hyperpixel works fine on a Pi 5 with the NVME base.
The question now is about colling the Pi. The active coolor is great but I’m affraid that won’t be sufficient space to evacuate the hot air. I will see. but for the moment with no colling system I have
can someone help me i have octoprint and octopi on raspberry pi 5 with hyperpixel 4.0. I installed octodash but it can’t be started and it says it can’t be found
Hi, i’m exactly running the same issue. My pi setup: Pi5, RaspbianOS, Octoprint installed und running, but octodash won’t load, i have the same segmentation fault. what was your solution? i tried the get it running the last 5 days with no success…