Ever find one of those problems that some people see, then nobody ever answers? There’s an xkcd for it: xkcd: Wisdom of the Ancients
I have an Inky Impression, it’s detected:
Found: 7-Colour (UC8159)
Display: 600x447
Color: None
PCB Variant: 1.2
Display Variant: 14
Time: b’2022-03-07 09:40:09.3’
But the demos don’t work…e.g. clean.py shows the following:
Detected 7-Colour (UC8159)
Cleaning cycle 1
updating with multi
/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/inky/inky_uc8159.py:303: UserWarning: Busy Wait: Held high. Waiting for 0.20s
warnings.warn(“Busy Wait: Held high. Waiting for {:0.2f}s”.format(timeout))
/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/inky/inky_uc8159.py:303: UserWarning: Busy Wait: Held high. Waiting for 32.00s
warnings.warn(“Busy Wait: Held high. Waiting for {:0.2f}s”.format(timeout))
I’m watching closer and what I originally thought was a ‘safe dependency fallback’ may not:
E: Unable to locate package python3-geocoder
Apt failed to install python3-geocoder!
Falling back on pypi…
I was really hoping to get the examples running before delving into coding (as it’s been awhile), but it looks like I may have to dig in and write something.
Those apt failed messages in the installer are expected - it means it’s checking the apt package manager for the dependency first, and if it’s not available on apt it will get it via pip instead.
Do you have the inky header pushed down as far as it will go on your Pi’s pins? If the connection is not solid it can sometimes make enough of a connection for I2C to work but not enough for SPI connection. Also could be worth checking you’ve got I2C and SPI enabled in sudo raspi-config!
I’m using a RPi Zero W (and swapped in another, just to be sure) and Raspberry PI OS LITE from the Imager v1.7.2…which makes me think maybe I need to use the full OS as lite images tend to be not quite as thoroughly QA’d
Looks like everything’s making sufficient contact there - you could try unplugging and replugging the ribbon cable on the back of the Inky in case it’s become dislodged during transit?
If not, possible that you might have faulty hardware :( If you drop an email to support@pimoroni.com (with a link to this thread so they don’t ask you all the same questions again!) they’ll be able to get it sorted.
Just checking back in. Seems like the original E-Ink display was the issue (and not the controller HAT) The replacement is working as expected! (and does so on the old HAT as well, the old e-ink display doesn’t work in either setup.)