I try to get the micropython version for the installing the software to interact with the Interstate75.
I ca’nt figer out wher to downloaf the Micropython version 1.24 beta.
Please can you provide me the link to download the uf2 file.
B.t.w is is very hard to find the versions of the different uf2 files.
The link on the Product Page should take you here,
Releases · pimoroni/pimoroni-pico
Then click on the Assets to get a list of the various uf2 files.
For the Interstate 75 you want the
If its the Interstate 75 Pico W onboard you want the,
The other place to look is here, for the latest stable build.
Release Version 1.23.0 - Bugfix 1 · pimoroni/pimoroni-pico
Tanks for the link. Found the micropython, and it works with my Interstate 75W
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Good to hear you sorted it out. Now you get to have some fun. I have a 64 x 64 RGB LED matrix setup with mine. Indoor outdoor weather info in text messages.