MCP9600 compatibility with Pico

I’m wondering if the MCP9600 thermocouple amplifier breakout is compatible with a Pico (via a Pico breakout garden)?

If not, is there a similar product that is Pico-compatible?

Thank you.

It’s just an i2c device so… yes.

That said, I can’t see an MCP9600 driver in the pimoroni-pico repo, so you might have to roll your own (there is, at least, the Python library to use for inspiration if there isn’t already one out there)

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So I came across this GitHub repository where somewhere ported the CircuitPython code for the MCP9600 to Micropython. I thought this would be the solution for me as I was getting pull-up errors with CircuitPython (as anticipated from Pimoroni’s documentation on using circuitpython with their breakouts).

However, I can’t seem to get a working I2C connection between my Pico and the MCP9600 after trying all possible addresses and pins. I am specifically using a Pico breakout garden.

Any thoughts?