Need Help - Picade V1 on Recalbox Software Installation

First, sorry for my English.

I try to install Picade on Recalbox but the Terminal says “Running as root, please log in as a regular user with sudo rights!” after ich typed curl -sS | bash

i am loged in as root

Looks like RecalboxOS uses a version of the stat tool which is not compatible with the picadehat installation script. The error is happening in line 285 of the script:

space_chk() {
if command -v stat > /dev/null && ! $IS_MACOSX; then
if [ $spacereq -gt $(($(stat -f -c “%a*%S” /)/10**6)) ];then


This part checks if you have sufficient disk space for the picadehat installation. It fails because stat -f does not work on your system (RecalboxOS’s stat says invalid option -- 'f' in your screenshot). This means that the tool stat is a different version or a different program altogether.

If you are sure that you have enough disk space, you could:

  1. download the script with curl -sSO
  2. open the downloaded file picadehat and comment out the entire function body with “#” like this:

space_chk() {
# if command -v stat > /dev/null && ! $IS_MACOSX; then
# if [ $spacereq -gt $(($(stat -f -c “%a*%S” /)/10**6)) ];then
# …
# fi
# fi

  1. run the installation script with bash picadehat

However, this only works if the stat incompatibilty is the only problem. There may be other similar problems.

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