One line bash script error

I get the following error when I use the bash one liner script for setup for scrollphat

Updating apt indexes...
..................W: Failed to fetch       403  Forbidden

W: Failed to fetch  403      Forbidden

E: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.
Apt failed to update indexes!

These aren’t normal Raspbian apt sources, what OS are you running? Or have you manually added these “pipplware” sources?

i am on retropie 4.2. I have not added pipplware sources. where do i find these?

Honestly, it’s only via the good graces of Google that I’ve any idea what pipplware is. It looks like RetroPie supply a Kodi installer that relies upon their sources. It could be either their sources, or your internet connection, that are at fault. Have you tried running the installer again since?

I have tried running the installer serveral times. Unfortunately I get the same error. I understand retropie is an experimental OS for scrollphat

Well in this case, the OS’s package management is fundamentally broken by a bad package source. There’s not much we can really do about that automagically.

You may have to dig around in /etc/apt/sources.list or /etc/apt/sources.list.d to find and disable this source.