I assembled the Pirate Radio kit but one of the issues I have is that the Pi Zero doesn’t stay on the PhatBeat board. When the pins are lined up, it doesn’t snap on and It’s very loose and disconnects from it.
If I hold the pi board, I can the LEDs moving but no sound is coming from the radio.
I have the Pirate Radio kit with the clear legs.
Any advice would be very appreciated, I would love to get this working.
Thank you!
Could you post a photo of how you’re trying to connect it, please?
pHat Beat and Pi have the headers soldered on? Pi GPIO pins pushed all the way into the pHat Beat header?
A picture’s worth 1000 words…
Here are a few different views of the back of my Pirate Radio. I used the GPIO Hammer Head solderless option. The Pi doesn’t fit securely on the back PhatBeat board. I reconnected the speaker wires, still no sound.
In your picture, there is no header on the pHat Beat? It needs a female header to mate with the male header on the Pi. One plugs into the other. Also, the header on the Pi doesn’t look fully seated. it’s not flush with the board on one end.
I will take a look, thank you! I will provide an update after I look at things. :)
This may be a silly question, but to attach the header to the pHat Beat all I need to do is push it into the holes on the board correct? I don’t have to solder the header to the pHat Beat board do I?
Pictures provided below:
UPDATE: Everything is now working! Woo hoo! Thank you all so much!
@alphanumeric you solved my issue! I must have completely missed the instructions for adding the header to the pHat Beat, i didn’t even dawn on me. LOL
God stuff enjoy. I only just got pHat Beat myself. I soldered my header on. Not a believer in the hammer headers. Not yet anyway. I’m an electronic technician so soldering is second nature to me. I’m old school.