hi does anyone know if there is an equivalent function of scrollphat.buffer_len() for the scrollphat hd?
There’s no direct equivalent. It depends what you’re trying to accomplish.
Scroll pHAT had a 1d buffer (kinda) in that it would only extend horizontally, so buffer_len
was usually a reliable way of figuring out how long the text is you’ve just drawn to it for scrolling and other business.
Scroll pHAT HD updated to a rotate-able/pan-able/flip-able 2d buffer, and write_string
returns a length when you write something to the display, which might be a good substitute.
Looking over the code now, there’s no reason why there shouldn’t be a get_buffer_shape
ok thanks phil. im just trying to fix my old tweettoscrollphat code
how to retrieve this?
Possibly not the clearest example, but it’s done here: https://github.com/pimoroni/scroll-phat-hd/blob/master/examples/advanced-scrolling.py#L36
lengths[line] = scrollphathd.write_string(text, x=offset_left, y=line_height * line)
Or, to simplify:
text_length_in_pixels = scrollphathd.write_string(text, x=0, y=0)
Would draw a text string starting from position 0,0 and return the length in pixels.
many thanks phil, getting better results now :)
Look forward to seeing this i didn’t have much luck converting twitter reader on scroll phat to scroll phat hd
I’m getting there! I just need to resolve a confusing bug!
you can see the progress here - Twitter #hashtag to scroll pHAT
You might want to try the Scroll pHAT HD development branch to see how well it works with that ;)
You can grab and install it by running:
git clone http://github.com/pimoroni/scroll-phat-hd -b devel scroll-phat-hd-devel
cd scroll-phat-hd-devel/library
sudo python ./setup.py install
See: https://github.com/pimoroni/scroll-phat-hd/pull/14 for the list of changes/fixes.
cheers phil ill give that a go!
well phil that has fixed all my problems, but i guess you already knew that … many thanks kind sir!