A few weeks ago I discovered the magic of ESP32-Now, which allows ESP32 boards to seamlessly and easily communicate with each other up to 200m away over a mesh network. I’ve got an ESP32 board on my robot and am communicating with it via a small handheld ESP32. It works great and the code is only a few lines long.
The problem is then taking whatever messages are received by the ESP32 over to the Raspberry Pi. Yes, there’s UART (complicated and not entirely reliable) and there’s a serial port, and there’s the GPIO pins. But none of these are as simple (for the user) and as plug-and-play as a Breakout Garden board.
So I thought: what about an ESP32 mounted on a Breakout Garden board with an I2C interface? It would be similar to the IO Expander (whose MS51 is unfortunately inaccessible and 8051 assembly is an alien language to most) but, if there was a way to access the ESP32 via some pins on the board or maybe a USB port, then there’d be a general-purpose way to communicate between an ESP32 and the Raspberry Pi, as well as potentially use the ESP32 in a more general-purpose way, with communications (read and/or write) between it and the Raspberry Pi over the I2C bus. The parts for this are quite cheap and the benefit would be quite substantial.
An additional suggestion would be to add a single row of holes/connectors for just a few IO pins, e.g., TX (D43), RX (D44), and maybe a couple of GPIO pins, many of which can support either digital or analog IO.
I’ve suggested a product before and you guys built it (the PAA5100JE), so I know this is possible. I’d say an ESP32 on a Breakout Garden board would have even more functionality, and open up CircuitPython and MicroPython development on a Raspberry Pi subprocessor. I’d certainly be using a few of them on my next robot.
Thanks for considering this…