Hi, I just bought a new raspberry pi 5 8gb, I installed OS via raspberry imager, the problem came when I tried to boot into the sd, my raspberry gave no image output (Connected into a monitor with a microHDMI - HDMI) and the green LEDs flashed 4 times.
While researching this error, I found out this code was given when my device couldn’t find start.elf, I reinstalled OS image (Multiple times), but the raspberry still wont boot.
I also tried the Booting problems sticky on raspberry forums: “You can try to boot without and SD-Card (or other boot media) in place, as then you will get a boot diagnostic screen.” But the monitor showed no output and the raspberry kept flashing 4 times.
Finally I tried with 2 sd cards more, but none of them worked.
The i/o devices connected are:
Logitech Mouse and Keyboard
Oficial 27w power supply
Ugreen microHDMI ↔ HDMI
Kingston 128gb microSD
Pi OS Bookwork? I ask because anything earlier will not boot on a Pi 5.
Is the Pi 5 in a case? If yes make sure the Micro HDMI cable is firmly connected and all the way in. If it isn’t you won’t get anything on your monitor. If you have a spare compatible HDMI cable I would try that.
It does happen once in a while that the SD-card reader is defunct. Very seldom, but it does happen.
You already tried multiple SD-cards, so I think we can rule out a SD-card problem. What you could do: install PiOS to an USB drive. Then remove the SD-card, insert the USB-drive and try to boot. The bootloader will probe the SD-card and any available USB-drives. If this works, then try to access the SD card from a running system.
I’ve had a few USB SD Card readers that the Pi Imager didn’t like. Usually I get an error message, that it’s failed to write the image, while in the process of trying to write the image. Stranger things can happen though.
Even so, I would think you should still get a diagnostics screen with no SD Card inserted in the Pi 5?
EDIT: Have you tried a different Monitor? A TV will do, if it has an HDMI input.
If you still have the defective one, I’d try a firmware recovery.
You will find it in Operating System > Misc utility images.
Options to change the boot order too. Can’t hurt to try, it isn’t going to make things any worse.
I recently had a Pi5 that stopped booting after a frimware update.
Reading the error message on blinking LED and searching for solutions was advised board faulty and request replacement. Before requesting the repalcement I thought I’d try the recovery image first and it worked. Pi has been fine since