Raspberry pi 5 not booting

Hi, I just bought a new raspberry pi 5 8gb, I installed OS via raspberry imager, the problem came when I tried to boot into the sd, my raspberry gave no image output (Connected into a monitor with a microHDMI - HDMI) and the green LEDs flashed 4 times.

While researching this error, I found out this code was given when my device couldn’t find start.elf, I reinstalled OS image (Multiple times), but the raspberry still wont boot.

I also tried the Booting problems sticky on raspberry forums: “You can try to boot without and SD-Card (or other boot media) in place, as then you will get a boot diagnostic screen.” But the monitor showed no output and the raspberry kept flashing 4 times.

Finally I tried with 2 sd cards more, but none of them worked.

The i/o devices connected are:

Logitech Mouse and Keyboard
Oficial 27w power supply
Ugreen microHDMI ↔ HDMI
Kingston 128gb microSD

Pi OS Bookwork? I ask because anything earlier will not boot on a Pi 5.
Is the Pi 5 in a case? If yes make sure the Micro HDMI cable is firmly connected and all the way in. If it isn’t you won’t get anything on your monitor. If you have a spare compatible HDMI cable I would try that.

It does happen once in a while that the SD-card reader is defunct. Very seldom, but it does happen.

You already tried multiple SD-cards, so I think we can rule out a SD-card problem. What you could do: install PiOS to an USB drive. Then remove the SD-card, insert the USB-drive and try to boot. The bootloader will probe the SD-card and any available USB-drives. If this works, then try to access the SD card from a running system.

I’ve had a few USB SD Card readers that the Pi Imager didn’t like. Usually I get an error message, that it’s failed to write the image, while in the process of trying to write the image. Stranger things can happen though.
Even so, I would think you should still get a diagnostics screen with no SD Card inserted in the Pi 5?

EDIT: Have you tried a different Monitor? A TV will do, if it has an HDMI input.

Hi! I took it to tech support and they told me it was a manufacturing defect, I got a new one and it works as expected :)

If you still have the defective one, I’d try a firmware recovery.
You will find it in Operating System > Misc utility images.
Options to change the boot order too. Can’t hurt to try, it isn’t going to make things any worse.

The store kept the defective one, but ty for helping!

I recently had a Pi5 that stopped booting after a frimware update.

Reading the error message on blinking LED and searching for solutions was advised board faulty and request replacement. Before requesting the repalcement I thought I’d try the recovery image first and it worked. Pi has been fine since