Rotate and chain display on LED Matrix with interstate75w picoW aboard

I am very new to coding and electronics and taking this as a hobby now that I’ve retired. I have bought three 64wx32h led matrices which work with an interstate75w and PICOw onboard. I’ve got to display stuff on one matrix with demo codes, but want to rotate the display to 64hX32w. After that I want to daisy chain 3x matrices to show 1 digit in each, in a cricket scoreboard for the local kiddos playing. Display to look like [3] [0] [2]. Could anyone give me some direction please? Thanks. Hardware that I bought listed below.

  1. RGB Full-Colour LED Matrix Panel - 4mm Pitch, 64x32 Pixels | The Pi Hut
  2. Interstate 75 W (Pico W Aboard) - RGB LED Matrix Driver | The Pi Hut

I have two 64 x 32 panels stacked vertically for a physical 64 x 64. As far as the Interstate 75 is concerned, electronically it is 128 x 32. I had to code for 128 x 32. I’m displaying text weather info.

i75 = Interstate75(display=Interstate75.DISPLAY_INTERSTATE75_128X32)
And text on the second display ends up something like this.
graphics.text(f"{describe_month(month)} {date}", 69, 1, scale=2)
It’s slightly indented (69), I think 64, 1 is the first pixel. It’s been a while since I coded on this setup.
Physically it’s 1, 33 but electronically 64,1. I hope I got that right? I’ll post my full file.

Warning, wall of text / code to follow. ;)

import time
import machine
import micropython

from interstate75 import Interstate75
from interstate75 import Interstate75, SWITCH_A, SWITCH_B
i75 = Interstate75(display=Interstate75.DISPLAY_INTERSTATE75_128X32)

graphics = i75.display

BACKLIGHT_LOW = micropython.const(0.25)
BACKLIGHT_HIGH = micropython.const(1.0)

LUMINANCE_LOW = micropython.const(0)
LUMINANCE_HIGH = micropython.const(10)  # 65535 to use the full range.

brightness = (1.0)

t_color = graphics.create_pen_hsv(0,0,0)
h_color = graphics.create_pen_hsv(0,0,0)
p_color = graphics.create_pen_hsv(0,0,0)

black = graphics.create_pen_hsv(0, 0, 0)
red = graphics.create_pen_hsv(1 / 360, 1.0, brightness)
green = graphics.create_pen_hsv(130 / 360, 1.0, brightness)
blue = graphics.create_pen_hsv(250 / 360, 1.0, brightness)
yellow = graphics.create_pen_hsv(60 / 360, 1.0, brightness)
orange = graphics.create_pen_hsv(30 / 360, 1.0, brightness)
white = graphics.create_pen_hsv(1.0, 0, brightness)

i75.set_led(0, 0 ,0)

from pimoroni_i2c import PimoroniI2C
i2c = PimoroniI2C(sda=(20), scl=(21))

from breakout_bme280 import BreakoutBME280
bme_in = BreakoutBME280(i2c,0x77)
temp_in, press_in, hum_in =
bme_out = BreakoutBME280(i2c,0x76)
temp_out, press_out, hum_out =

from breakout_ltr559 import BreakoutLTR559
ltr = BreakoutLTR559(i2c)
part_id = ltr.part_id()

from breakout_rtc import BreakoutRTC
from machine import RTC
RV3028 = BreakoutRTC(i2c)
rtc = BreakoutRTC(i2c)
if rtc.is_12_hour:
hour = rtc.get_hours()
minute = rtc.get_minutes()
month = rtc.get_month()
date = rtc.get_date()    
if rtc.read_periodic_update_interrupt_flag():

if rtc.update_time():
    rtc_date = rtc.string_date()
    rtc_time = rtc.string_time()
time.sleep (0.5)

def describe_weekday(weekday):
    if weekday == 0:
        description = "Mon"        
    if weekday == 1:
        description = "Tues"
    if weekday == 2:
        description = "Wed"
    if weekday == 3:
        description = "Thurs"
    if weekday == 4:
        description = "Fri"
    if weekday == 5:
        description = "Sat"
    if weekday == 6:
        description = "Sun"        
    return description

def describe_month(month):
    month = rtc.get_month()
    if month == 1:
        description = "Jan"
    elif month == 2:
        description = "Feb"  
    elif month == 3:
        description = "Mar"
    elif month == 4:
        description = "Apr"              
    elif month == 5:
        description = "May"              
    elif month == 6:
        description = "Jun"              
    elif month == 7:
        description = "Jul"              
    elif month == 8:
        description = "Aug"              
    elif month == 9:
        description = "Sept"
    elif month == 10:
        description = "Oct"             
    elif month == 11:
        description = "Nov"              
    elif month == 12:
        description = "Dec"            
    return description

def describe_date(date):
    date = rtc.get_date()
    if date == 1:
        description = "st"
    elif date == 2:
        description = "nd"     
    elif date == 3:
        description = "rd" 
    elif date == 21:
        description = "st"      
    elif date == 22:
        description = "nd"  
    elif date == 23:
        description = "rd"
    elif date == 31:
        description = "st"
        description = "th"
    return description

def auto_brightness(previous: float) -> (float, float):
    luminance = reading[BreakoutLTR559.LUX]
    luminance_frac = max(0.0, float(luminance - LUMINANCE_LOW))
    luminance_frac = min(1.0, luminance_frac / (LUMINANCE_HIGH - LUMINANCE_LOW))
    backlight = BACKLIGHT_LOW + (luminance_frac * (BACKLIGHT_HIGH - BACKLIGHT_LOW))
    # Use the previous value to smooth out changes to reduce flickering.
    # The "32" value here controls how quickly it reacts (larger = slower).
    # The rate at which the main loop calls us also affects that!
    backlight_diff = backlight - previous
    backlight = previous + (backlight_diff * (1.0 / 8.0))
    if backlight > 1:
        backlight == 1
    return (luminance, backlight)

backlight = BACKLIGHT_LOW
start_time = time.time()

while True:
    reading = ltr.get_reading()
    lux = reading[BreakoutLTR559.LUX]
    (luminance, backlight) = auto_brightness(backlight)
    brightness = backlight
    black = graphics.create_pen_hsv(0, 0, 0)
    red = graphics.create_pen_hsv(1 / 360, 1.0, brightness)
    green = graphics.create_pen_hsv(130 / 360, 1.0, brightness)
    blue = graphics.create_pen_hsv(250 / 360, 1.0, brightness)
    yellow = graphics.create_pen_hsv(60 / 360, 1.0, brightness)
    orange = graphics.create_pen_hsv(30 / 360, 1.0, brightness)
    white = graphics.create_pen_hsv(1.0, 0, brightness)
    time_elapsed = time.time() - start_time
    hour = rtc.get_hours()
    minute = rtc.get_minutes()
    month = rtc.get_month()
    date = rtc.get_date()    
    weekday = rtc.get_weekday()     
    if rtc.read_periodic_update_interrupt_flag():

    if rtc.update_time():
        rtc_date = rtc.string_date()
        rtc_time = rtc.string_time()
    if hour == 0:
        graphics.text(f"{12}:{minute:02}", 1, 1, scale=2)
        graphics.text("AM", 43, 1, scale=2)
    elif 0 <= hour < 10:
        graphics.text(f"{hour:1}:{minute:02}", 5, 1, scale=2)
        graphics.text("AM", 43, 1, scale=2)
    elif 10 <= hour < 12:
        graphics.text(f"{hour:2}:{minute:02}", 1, 1, scale=2)
        graphics.text("AM", 43, 1, scale=2)
    elif hour == 12:
        graphics.text(f"{hour:2}:{minute:02}", 1, 1, scale=2)
        graphics.text("PM", 43, 1, scale=2)
    elif hour > 12:
        hour = hour - 12
        if hour < 10:
            graphics.text(f"{hour:1}:{minute:02}", 5, 1, scale=2)
            graphics.text("PM", 43, 1, scale=2)
        elif 10 <= hour < 12:
            graphics.text(f"{hour:2}:{minute:02}", 1, 1, scale=2)
            graphics.text("PM", 43, 1, scale=2)
        elif hour == 12:
            graphics.text(f"{hour:2}:{minute:02}", 1, 1, scale=2)
            graphics.text("AM", 43, 1, scale=2)
    graphics.text(f"{describe_weekday(weekday)}", 5, 17, scale=2)
    graphics.text(f"{describe_month(month)} {date}", 69, 1, scale=2)
    #graphics.text(f"{date}{describe_date(date)}", 69, 17, scale=2) 

    graphics.text("In", 25, 1, scale=2)
    temp_in, press_in, hum_in =
    temp_in = round(temp_in)

    if temp_in < -10:
        t_color = white
    elif -10 <= temp_in <= 0:
        t_color = blue
    elif 0 < temp_in <= 12:
        t_color = yellow
    elif 12 < temp_in <= 16:
        t_color = green
    elif 16 < temp_in <= 24:
        t_color = green      
    elif 24 < temp_in <= 27:
        t_color = orange
    elif tempin > 27:
        t_color = red

    graphics.text("{:0.0f}°C" .format(temp_in), 5, 17, scale=2)

    hum_in = round(hum_in)   

    if hum_in < 30:
        h_color = red
    elif 30 <= hum_in <= 60:
        h_color = green
    elif 60 < hum_in < 80:
        h_color = yellow
    elif hum_in >= 80:
        h_color = orange        

    graphics.text("{:0.0f}%".format(hum_in), 69, 1, scale=2)
    graphics.text("RH", 107, 1, scale=2)

    press_in = press_in / 100           
    press_in = round(press_in)
    if press_in < 982:
        p_color = red
    elif 982 <= press_in < 1004:
        p_color = yellow
    elif 1004 <= press_in < 1026:
        p_color = green
    elif 1026 <= press_in < 1048:
        p_color = blue
    elif press_in >= 1048:
        p_color = orange
    graphics.text("{:0.0f}" .format(press_in), 69, 17, scale=2)
    graphics.text("mb", 107, 17, scale=2)
    graphics.text("Out", 20, 1, scale=2)

    temp_out, press_out, hum_out =        

    temp_out = round(temp_out)

    if temp_out < -10:
        t_color = white
    elif -10 <= temp_out <= 0:
        t_color = blue
    elif 0 < temp_out <= 12:
        t_color = yellow
    elif 12 < temp_out <= 16:
        t_color = green
    elif 16 < temperature <= 24:
        t_color = green      
    elif 24 < temp_out <= 27:
        t_color = orange
    elif temp_out > 27:
        t_color = red

    graphics.text("{:0.0f}°C" .format(temp_out), 5, 17, scale=2)
    hum_out = round(hum_out)   

    if hum_out < 30:
        h_color = red
    elif 30 <= hum_out <= 60:
        h_color = green
    elif 60 < hum_out < 80:
        h_color = yellow
    elif hum_out >= 80:
        h_color = orange        

    graphics.text("{:0.0f}%".format(hum_out), 69, 1, scale=2)
    graphics.text("RH", 107, 1, scale=2)
    press_out = press_out / 100           
    press_out = round(press_out)
    if press_out < 982:
        p_color = red
    elif 982 <= press_out < 1004:
        p_color = yellow
    elif 1004 <= press_out < 1026:
        p_color = green
    elif 1026 <= press_out < 1048:
        p_color = blue
    elif press_out >= 1048:
        p_color = orange

    graphics.text("{:0.0f}" .format(press_in), 69, 17, scale=2)
    graphics.text("mb", 107, 17, scale=2)
