Just installed the skywriter xl to my raspberry pi 3.
when running the test.py, I get 9 out of 10 times a (‘Tap!’, ‘center’) or (‘Touch!’, ‘center’) message instead of “swipe”. The coördinates are showing really fast, so detection is fine.
2nd question: Which side should be up? The side with the squares or the side with all the text?
In meantime I’ve tested the board further… The board keeps behaving very strange. Since today it can not anymore recognise any gesture (left, right, up, down, etc…) I’ve followed a solution on [SOLVED] Fullsized Skywriter Problem, but this didn’t help.
Any suggestion? (It does give me x,y,z values in the test.py file)
Furthermore, the test.py script stops regulary to go in a loop about 1.1.18;p:Hills Got firmware info. Why does this happen?