Hi, apologise if it’s a stupid question, I have a Pi 4 and want to try the Pirate Audio Lineout for improved music streaming quality (I already have a nice pair of wireless Dynaudio speakers). The question is, do I need to wire the Pirate/Pi to the speakers using 3.5mm jack, or I can use the Bluetooth function of the Pi, like with its current integrate sound chip? Thank you.
I do believe if you go with the Bluetooth connection you will not be using the Pirate Audio at all. You will just be using what’s on the Pi itself. The DAC on the Pirate Audio doesn’t feed back to the Pi, it only feeds the lineout.
The Pirate audio board gets its signal via i2s and I’m pretty sure that is one way from the Pi to the Pirate Audio. I’m far from being any kind of expert on this though.
Pirate Audio Line Out at Raspberry Pi GPIO Pinout
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Thank you for your comment, that’s what I fear. Due to space issue I went for full wireless speakers, hence if using the Pi Bluetooth means by passing the Pirate, it’s a bad news :-)