Hi, Asking for help. I am trying to get Waveshare LCD-1,8" work with Pico. It seems I don’t understand advice #5 where to find python/Pico-LCD-1.8/Pico-LCD-1.8.py on Thonny IDE.
. Anybody on this forum can guide me. Appreciate any help. Thnks in advance.
Calle Blyh / Finland
Maybe this will help, @Tonygo2 is a member here.
WaveShare Pico LCD-1.8 Display Workout : 14 Steps (with Pictures) - Instructables
If you have downloaded the Pico_LCD_code zip file, unzip it and look in
Pico_LCD_code/python/Pico-LCD-1.8 and there should be a Pico-LCD-1.8.py file
Thanx, I made it. Lots of typing errors from my side, but I finally got it alive
When possible I do an “open with” thonny, or clip and past it into thonny. Saves on making typo’s.
Have you got your WaveShare screen working now with my workout?
Yes, finally. I am not a programmer, never had any relevant education in any programming language. So sometimes understanding even clear guidelines causes headache. My idea is to display three ds1820 tempsensors reading from various locations. So how to get these variables integrated in the software will be next ”headache”
Raspberry Pi Pico - Review | element14 | RoadTests & Reviews
Almost halfway through you will find the code to read ds1820. I suggest you put them on different pins for a start.
Have fun