Looking at the 7" touch screen with case, and almost certainly going to be buying one soon, but I was just wondering if it would be possible to mount the base of the Pibow case onto the four standoff spacers behind the screen (to basically mount a Pi behind the screen in one of the Pibow coupe cases to give a little more protection to the gpio pins ?
Alternatively, is there any other way of mounting a Pi in a Pibow to the back of the touchscreen ?
Any info appreciated.
Cheers - Paul
Absolutely, you can mount a full-sized PiBow or a PiBow Coupé to the spacers of the LCD screen driver board using the supplied bolts through the 4 HAT mounting holes on the bottom layer of the PiBow.
You have to bolt on the bottom layer, and then carefully build the rest of the PiBow up around it. I do this by pushing the screws through from the bottom layer, facing outwards so they’re easier to bolt on afterwards.
Edit: Added hastily taken picture for illustration:

You can feed the ribbon cable through the top layer before you put it into place:

Brilliant, thanks, will probably get one on order as soon as I’ve been paid.
Thanks - Paul
Thanks for the details, got the screen up and running now, in the Noir case with the Pi in a Noir coupe pibow case on the back.
Currently running Wheezy on it, will have to try to ug to Jessie once I can figure out why all networking disappears after clean installing or upgrading to Jessie, but that’s a mini project for later this weekend.
Nice to briefly meet Jon on Wednesday to collect the Screen case and power splitter.
Think it’s going to need another Unicorn hat mounted on the Pi though for a little background ambient lighting.
Thanks again - Paul