Automation Mini, example not working

Have used the Badger successfully, some time back. Running on Win-10, September update.

Started with the Automation Mini, but I don’t get the “>>>” in the shell window, and when trying to run the example I get the error attached. COM5 is only present in Device Manager when the Automation is plugged in. Have uploaded the firmware pimoroni-picow-v1.19.8-micropython.uf2. Am I missing something obvious? Tried running Thonny as Admin, but no difference.

Oh, where is the LED which is supposed to flash? Which LED?


Thonny is looking at the wrong port number. You need to manually reconfigure it and select the correct port. Mine switches around depending on what Pico Tufty etc I have plugged in. Even when I use the same USB port.

Thanks, but Device Manager shows port COM5. I configured Thonny for COM5. Not sure what else you are suggesting. The screen-shot shows COM5.

Ok, try clicking “Stop” in Thonny. It that Pico has a on it, it will auto run and show as busy.

Resolved - it was a COM5 issue.
Long story: I have Franson GpsGate installed which I have set up a long time ago to use COM5 as a virtual COM port to which other programs can connect tot display or analyse GPS data. This virtual COM port does /not/ show in the device manager with Franson active, even when a client program is connected to Franson. So I changed Franson to COM4 and all is OK.
Thanks for your patience and suggestions

I’ve had similar issues happen, as I’m always tinkering with different bits of kit on my PC and Pi 400 etc. Good to hear you got it working.