I’m starting a new project using a couple of 'Raspberry Pi Zero W’s and need a small display for them. I bought a Display-o-Tron LCD (no HAT or 3k), thinking that it would just plug and play with the GPIO holes on the pi, but this doesn’t seem to work.
I’ve looked around for some examples of other people wiring the LCD directly to a pi, but can’t find any help so far. Can anyone give me some advice on how the LCD should be wired to get it working? I would rather not buy the HAT version as it is much bigger than the Pi Zero, and I also already have the LCDs.
P.S. I’m pretty sure there’s enough information in these three links to work out a wiring plan, but I’m very new to hardware stuff and can’t really understand it all.
Thanks for getting back to me! This all seems very cool, but a bit bulkier than I was anticipating for my project - with the breadboard and all. (I’m basically trying to make a little pager-like pi system that uses mesh networking to send messages between clients, so I need to make everything as small as possible.)