Have my 2 zeros sitting here and have been sidetracked to trying to sort out a Arduino Uno for someone else.
I was presented with a pile of bits and asked to try and get things working together.
LCD touch screen which lights up when power applied, several sensors including RFID and RTC .
Much rather be playing with the Pi
Whilst waiting for my friend to bring over a couple of important bits for his Uno, I decided to try out the £5.00 17" monitor with my pound shop mouse, Chinese keyboard, cheap Wi-Fi dongle and HDMI /VGA adaptor on a Pi Zero fitted with a Zero4U adaptor.
Currently sitting next to me online with no problems at all. Now need to start sorting out the bits I want to add to it and then start using rasparian .
Total cost so far including PI Zero is £26.96
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That is ace! LoL You win the forums today just for that little nugget. ;)