Hi all. Building my Picade with a Pi 3 model B.
I am at the point where I am ready to configure emulationstation.
I entered emulationstation on the command line and am now at the screen that
shows the Amiga and Retropie banner. I scrolled to Retropie and the word configuration appears
below it.
The Picade Build - Section 11 - Getting Up and Running video now says to hit the ALT key to get to the
emulationstation menu.(4:32)
Nothing happens when I press the Alt key.
What now?
Just tried it on my system, and the ALT key also does nothing. For me, pressing O on the keyboard opens the ES main menu.
Thanks for the reply. That key didn’t work for me.
I am going to try to reload the software and start from scratch.
Sorry, it’s O after installing the XHAT driver and completing the Configure Input wizard.
Before that it’s what ever key you assigned to the Start function when the Configure Input wizard ran when the system first started. You can also clear the settings remotely via ssh, so that when you restart the system the Configure Input wizard runs automatically.
Thanks for information, will definitely help.