Hyperpixel 2.1 and sound speaker

I’m facing as issue with Hyperpixel round lcd.
I want to use it but also add sound speaker/‘s to it for example via Arduino module but it also uses SPI is there any solution which could help me achieve that and use both Hyperpixel round and any module for sound with at least one speaker? I’m building some personal project and sound is crucial for it to achieve what I want.

Appreciate any advise.

The Hyperpixel actually uses DPI, not SPI.
It uses all the GPIO pins, and re configures the ones used for SPI.
Trying to get sound via the GPIO, won’t work.
What model Pi are you using?

Thanks, you’re right DPI not SPI, typo from me ;)

I’m using Pi Zero 2 W and looking for neat small option to use and get audio. Had even idea of using usb in it and get audio through that but maybe there is work around and use Audio AMP Shim from Pimoroni or Adafruit I2S StereobSpeaker but now I found this one and wonder if this could work:
Raspberry Pi zero speaker expansion board on Ali


I2S isn’t a viable option. anything that needs GPIO access isn’t going to work.
The Hyperpixel actually uses all the GPIO pins for signalling, DPI and touch etc.

I see, thanks.
I’ll try to work on idea from usb but maybe is there any other round display that could meet my expectations with use of GPIO?

Adafruit have a tone of PiTFT screens that use SPI. I don’t know if they make a round one though?
Search Results for ‘Pitft’ on Adafruit Industries

Although, depending on the use case you could just use a regular square/rectangular one and put a round mask in front of it…

The Hyperpixel has an I2C interface on the back, so you just need to get an I2C amplifier and hook them up with jumper jerky!

Details on how to use the I2C interface here: Getting Started with HyperPixel 4.0