Hyperpixel Square (Non-touch) w Pi 3A+

Edit: Read on forums that the Pi 3A+ falls into the same category as the 3B+ and newer so I installed the 64-bit version of Bullseye and followed the instructions here - https://github.com/pimoroni/hyperpixel4/issues/177; but to no avail. Having the same issue of coloured bars on the screen.

I have been using the Hyperpixel display with a Pi 3a+ for the past 2 years now.I needed to run a whole different program and so decided to swap out my SD card with another one (fresh install).

On boot I get a bunch of white/coloured bars on my screen but I’m able to SSH per usual.

I decided to skip Bullseye and use Buster instead (as I had done on the SD card running my previous hyperpixel setup). I continued by using the install script provided (curl -sSL get.pimoroni.com/hyperpixel4-legacy | bash) with options 3-0 (Square-2021 or later). Now on boot I’m facing the same issue (white/coloured bars) and no image.

I have repeated the setup with both 64-bit and 32-bit OSs but with no luck.

Is there something obvious I am missing? I haven’t run this setup from scratch since 2021 so feeling kinda lost here with the new instructions.

/boot/config,txt file:

# For more options and information see
# http://rpf.io/configtxt
# Some settings may impact device functionality. See link above for details

# uncomment if you get no picture on HDMI for a default "safe" mode

# uncomment this if your display has a black border of unused pixels visible
# and your display can output without overscan

# uncomment the following to adjust overscan. Use positive numbers if console
# goes off screen, and negative if there is too much border

# uncomment to force a console size. By default it will be display's size minus
# overscan.

# uncomment if hdmi display is not detected and composite is being output

# uncomment to force a specific HDMI mode (this will force VGA)

# uncomment to force a HDMI mode rather than DVI. This can make audio work in
# DMT (computer monitor) modes

# uncomment to increase signal to HDMI, if you have interference, blanking, or
# no display

# uncomment for composite PAL

#uncomment to overclock the arm. 700 MHz is the default.

# Uncomment some or all of these to enable the optional hardware interfaces

# Uncomment this to enable infrared communication.

# Additional overlays and parameters are documented /boot/overlays/README

# Enable audio (loads snd_bcm2835)

# Enable DRM VC4 V3D driver on top of the dispmanx display stack


dpi_timings=720 0 20 20 40 720 0 15 15 15 0 0 0 60 0 36720000 4

Thanks in advance!